MINE mobile learning online week
From 11.3.2019 – 15.3.2019 the MINE mobile online learning week goes on!! Don´t miss it!!! You can find all details about this great event here: m-learning week
Mobile learning in higher education
From 11.3.2019 – 15.3.2019 the MINE mobile online learning week goes on!! Don´t miss it!!! You can find all details about this great event here: m-learning week
As part of a course for vocational educators at the University of Aberdeen, members of the MINE project have created a mobile learning activity which recently connected students across Scotland with experts from England, Finland and South Africa. The aim […]
Banda larga móvel atinge valor recorde de 6,8 milhões de utilizadores “O número de utilizadores de serviços da banda larga móvel cresceu 17,7% no segundo trimestre de 2017, face ao mesmo período de 2016. No final de junho existiam em […]
Huge thanks to Petra, Sarah and of course Anna who provided this presentation briefly explaining the MINE-Project to you. Enjoy!
Petra Bauer from the University of Mainz, Germany visited the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, in April 2017. She saw mobile learning in action during a class in which students presented the findings of personal research to others as a small […]
And welcome to our blog. It is meant to be a source of inspiration throughout the project and you’ll find pieces of experiences, thoughts, best-practices and many other little things here. Enjoy! Find out more about our project here, our […]